Joan Baez nagrała piosenkę dedykowaną Natalii Gorbaniewskiej zatytułowaną „Natalia”. Autorami tekstu są Roy Apps, Shusha Guppy i G.T. Moore. Piosenka ukazała się na koncertowym albumie „From Every Stage” (1976).
Natalia Weaver of words
Who lives alone
In fear and sorrow
Where are the words
To set you free Perhaps tomorrow
Where is the earth
Where is the sky
Where is the light You long for
What hope of you
Where you are now Natalia Gorbanevskaya
Inside the ward
Naked and cruel
Where life is stolen
From those who try
To stay alive And not be broken
Where are the friends
Where are the men
Who among them
Can defend you
Where is the child
You’ll never see Natalia Gorbanevskaya
What else there lives
Behind the door
That never opens
Are you insane
As they say you are
Or just forsaken
Are you still there
Do you still care
Or are you lost forever
I know this song
You’ll never hear
Natalia Gorbanevskaya