On September 9th, the Jury selected the shortlist of the Angelus Central European Award 2019. The winner will be announced during the gala on 19 October 2019.
Bianca Bellová, Jezero [The Lake] | THE CZECH REPUBLIC
Transl. into Polish by Anna Radwan-Żbikowska, published by Wydawnictwo Afera
Georgi Gospodinov, Физика на тъгата [The Physics of Sorrow] | BULGARIA
Transl. into Polish by Magdalena Pytlak, published by Wydawnictwo Literackie
Sergei Lebedev Предел забвения [Oblivion] | RUSSIA
Transl. into Polish by Grzegorz Szymczak, published by Wydawnictwo Claroscuro
Christoph Ransmayr, Cox oder Der Lauf der Zeit [Cox of The Passage of Time] | AUSTRIA
Transl. into Polish by Jacek St. Buras, published by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Ausser sich [Beside Myself] | GERMANY, b. Russia
Transl. into Polish by Agnieszka Walczy, published by Prószyński i s-ka
Yuriy Vynnychuk, Танґо смерті [The Tango of Death] | UKRAINE
Transl. into Polish by Bohdan Zadura, published by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego
Polina Zherebtsova, Муравей в стеклянной банке. Чеченские дневники 1994–2004 гг. [Ant in a Glass Jar: Chechen Diaries 1994–2004]
Transl. into Polish by Agnieszka Knyt & Michał B. Jagiełło, published by Fundacja Ośrodka KARTA