Literacka Nagroda Europy Środkowej Angelus 2023 – długa lista

The longlist of Angelus Central European Literature Award 2023

The Jury selected the longlist of the Angelus Central European Award 2023. The shortlist will be announced in September, and the winner – during the gala on 14 October 2023.

  1. Stanislav Aseyev«Світлий Шлях»: історія одного концтабору [Light Path: the History of a Concentration Camp], transl. into Polish by Marcin Gaczkowski, published by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej | Ukraine
  2. Tamara DudaДоця [Daughter], transl. into Polish by Marcin Gaczkowski, published by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej | Ukraine
  3. Alois HotschnigIm Sitzen läuft es sich besser davon  [It’s Easier to Escape While Sitting], tłum. zbiorowy, published by Wydawnictwo OD DO | Austria
  4. Katarína KucbelováČepiec [Bonnet], transl. into Polish by Katarzyna Dudzic-Grabińska, published by Wydawnictwo Ha!art | Slovakia
  5. Andrzej MuszyńskiDom ojców [The House of Fathers], published by Wydawnictwo Czarne | Poland
  6. Deniz OhdeStreulicht [Scattered Light], transl. into Polish by Zofia Sucharska, published by Wydawnictwo Marpress | Germany
  7. Zyta RudzkaTen się śmieje, kto ma zęby [Those Who Have Teeth Can Laugh], published by Wydawnictwo W.A.B Foksal | Poland
  8. Judith SchalanskyVerzeichnis einiger Verluste [An Inventory of Losses], transl. into Polish by Kamil Idzikowski, published by Wydawnictwo Ha!art | Germany
  9. Piotr SiemionBella, ciao, published by Wydawnictwo Filtry | Poland
  10. Saša StanišićHerkunft [Where You Come From], transl. into Polish by Małgorzata Gralińska, published by Książkowe Klimaty | Bosnia and Herzegovina / Germany
  11. Ziemowit SzczerekWymyślone miasto Lwów [The Invented City of Lviv], published by Wydawnictwo Czarne | Poland
  12. Natalka SniadankoОхайні прописи ерцгерцога Вільгельма [Archduke Wilhelm’s Ordinary Exercise Books],transl. into Polish by Bohdan Zadura, published by Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy | Ukraine
  13. Lea YpiTë lirë [Free: Coming of Age at the End of History], transl. into Polish by Krzysztof Środa, published by Wydawnictwo Czarne | Albania
  14. Oksana ZabuzhkoПланета Полин [Wormwood Planet], transl. into Polish by Katarzyna Kotyńska, Anna Łazar, Joanna Majewska, published by Wydawnictwo Agora | Ukraine