The Jury selected the longlist of the Angelus Central European Award 2023. The shortlist will be announced in September, and the winner – during the gala on 14 October 2023.
- Stanislav Aseyev, «Світлий Шлях»: історія одного концтабору [Light Path: the History of a Concentration Camp], transl. into Polish by Marcin Gaczkowski, published by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej | Ukraine
- Tamara Duda, Доця [Daughter], transl. into Polish by Marcin Gaczkowski, published by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej | Ukraine
- Alois Hotschnig, Im Sitzen läuft es sich besser davon [It’s Easier to Escape While Sitting], tłum. zbiorowy, published by Wydawnictwo OD DO | Austria
- Katarína Kucbelová, Čepiec [Bonnet], transl. into Polish by Katarzyna Dudzic-Grabińska, published by Wydawnictwo Ha!art | Slovakia
- Andrzej Muszyński, Dom ojców [The House of Fathers], published by Wydawnictwo Czarne | Poland
- Deniz Ohde, Streulicht [Scattered Light], transl. into Polish by Zofia Sucharska, published by Wydawnictwo Marpress | Germany
- Zyta Rudzka, Ten się śmieje, kto ma zęby [Those Who Have Teeth Can Laugh], published by Wydawnictwo W.A.B Foksal | Poland
- Judith Schalansky, Verzeichnis einiger Verluste [An Inventory of Losses], transl. into Polish by Kamil Idzikowski, published by Wydawnictwo Ha!art | Germany
- Piotr Siemion, Bella, ciao, published by Wydawnictwo Filtry | Poland
- Saša Stanišić, Herkunft [Where You Come From], transl. into Polish by Małgorzata Gralińska, published by Książkowe Klimaty | Bosnia and Herzegovina / Germany
- Ziemowit Szczerek, Wymyślone miasto Lwów [The Invented City of Lviv], published by Wydawnictwo Czarne | Poland
- Natalka Sniadanko, Охайні прописи ерцгерцога Вільгельма [Archduke Wilhelm’s Ordinary Exercise Books],transl. into Polish by Bohdan Zadura, published by Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy | Ukraine
- Lea Ypi, Të lirë [Free: Coming of Age at the End of History], transl. into Polish by Krzysztof Środa, published by Wydawnictwo Czarne | Albania
- Oksana Zabuzhko, Планета Полин [Wormwood Planet], transl. into Polish by Katarzyna Kotyńska, Anna Łazar, Joanna Majewska, published by Wydawnictwo Agora | Ukraine