The shortlist of Angelus Central European Literature Award 2020

The Jury selected the shortlist of the Angelus Central European Award 2020. The winner will be announced during the gala on 17 October 2020.

Kapka Kassabova, Border. A Journey to the Edge of Europe | BULGARIA
Transl. into Polish by Maciej Kositorny, published by Wydawnictwo Czarne

Sergey Lebedev, Гусь Фриц [Children of Kronos] | RUSSIA
Transl. into Polish by Grzegorz Szymczak, published by Wydawnictwo Claroscuro

Mikołaj Łoziński, Stramer | POLAND
published by Wydawnictwo Literackie

Tanja Maljartschuk, Забуття: роман [Oblivion] | UKRAINE
Transl. into Polish by Marcin Gaczkowski, published by Wydawnictwo Warstwy

Paweł Piotr Reszka, Płuczki. Poszukiwacze żydowskiego złota [Mud. Jewish Gold Prospectors] | POLAND
published by Wydawnictwo Agora (Polska)

Goran Vojnović, Jugoslavija, moja dežela [My Yugoslavia] | SLOVENIA
Transl. into Polish by Joanna Pomorska, published by Wydawnictwo Akademickie SEDNO

Serhiy Zhadan, Інтернат [Boarding House] | UKRAINE
Transl. into Polish by Michał Petryk, published by Wydawnictwo Czarne