The shortlist of Angelus Central European Literature Award 2018

On September 6th, the Jury announced the shortlist of the ANGELUS Central European Award 2018. The winner will be announced during the gala on 13 October 2018.


  1. Antonín Bajaja, Na krásné modré Dřevnici [Burying the Season] | THE CZECH REPUBLIC
    Transl. into Polish by: Dorota Dobrew, published by: Książkowe Klimaty
  2. Weronika Gogola, Po trochu [Bit by bit] | POLAND
    Published by: Książkowe Klimaty
  3. Péter Nádas, Emlékiratok könyve [A book of memories] | HUNGARY
    Transl. by: Elżbieta Sobolewska, published by: Biuro Literackie
  4. Artur Nowaczewski, Hostel Nomadów [Nomad’s hostel] | POLAND
    Published by: Wydawnictwo Iskry
  5. Maciej Płaza, Robinson w Bolechowie [Robinson in Bolechów] | POLAND
    Published by: Wydawnictwo W.A.B.
  6. Lutz Seiler, Kruso | GERMANY
    Transl. by: Dorota Stroińska, published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
  7. Marian Sworzeń, Czarna ikona. Biełomor. Kanał Białomorski. Dzieje. Ludzie. Słowa [Black icon. Biełmor. The White Sea Canal. History. People. Words] | POLAND
    Published by: Wydawnictwo Sic!